This week was so fast...
We were able to go on a couple exchanges with a couple awesome teams! I went with Elder M from Iowa and Elder A from Utah!
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This is Elder M and I in the back of the train to Daegu |
On Tuesday with Elder M we met an older man on the street who had a nice round fedora-type hat. We told him we thought that it was a nice hat and then he invited us to his house to sit in the cool indoors for a bit. Confucianism is pretty important to him, but we were able to talk a little bit about God, and he said we could come back again! It was really cool to see his house and how he meticulously prepares this special tea-- it was a cool traditional korean experience! He even had a cool little garden greenhouse on the roof of his apartment and he gave us some peppers and edible purple leaves from it, haha, to wrap up rice and meat in when you eat.
We also were able to go visit a man who was referred to us by Y, a brother in our ward who Allie served by on her mission! The man is about 70 and is really nice, so we are planning to go back to teach him again.
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On exchanges with Elder A, we saw a group of older fellers playing Korean chess, called jangi. Elder Alikes that game, so he challenged them to a game of jangi! |
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I went back to my second area, Sangin, on exchanges and met S!! He is an awesome member there. |
We also have another cool kid we are teaching named D. He is friends with the youth in our ward and is accepting everything really well. He came to church yesterday!
Then on Saturday we were doing a zone proselyting activity and I saw this guy and felt like I should talk to him. So I did! And just gave him an English pamphlet and walked away. But I felt like I should have talked to him more, so I went back. He was super nice and I got his number, then he texted me and called me that night saying it was nice to meet. Well we just invited him to church and he came for all three hours! So that was cool! And we will meet again on Saturday. His name is S, and he is 25.
One thing I am continuing to feel more than ever is how important each individual is to God. Each person is on their own path, their own journey back to Him. I think there are times when our individual path is very clear, but sometimes it can be confusing. We may feel more like we are wandering, not really sure if there is even a path to follow or if there is anywhere worth trying to go. Nobody has the exact same path as anyone else; each person has different hills and turns, different burdens we are required to bear. But our paths do intersect, even join up sometimes. Sometimes we have the opportunity to walk with others, to help lift and relieve their burdens, encourage them along the path, maybe even show them the right direction to go when needed.
As we seek to help those around us on this path by serving and ministering, we can find sources of inspiration and example in the life of Jesus Christ, who said ,"Behold I am the light; I have set an example for you...Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the Father, and ye all have witnessed.
And ye see that I have commanded that none of you should go away, but rather have commanded that ye should come unto me, that ye might feel and see; even so shall ye do unto the world" (3rd Nephi 18:16, 24-25).
I have been blessed with motivation and desire to be a better person as I have studied the life of Jesus Christ! I love how he turns no one away. We shouldn't either. I am grateful that even when I take wrong turns on this path, I can get back on through repentance and just by continuing to do my best! I hope we all do our best not only on our own journey but to lift others around us. I know as we do so God's power and Spirit will flow more freely into our lives.
Love you all!
Elder Beckett
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